The Sandline Cutter is designed to cut the sand line from the top of the tool strings. It is sed to cut swab lines, slick lines, guidelines, anchor lines, and drilling lines up to a depth of 20,000 feet. It is very versatile and can be easily field redressed. It can be deployed in a wide range of tubing sizes.
The hydraulic sand line cutter consists of many components. The hydraulic cutter when assembled at surface is sealed with the use of o-rings, keeping contaminated well materials from entering the internal parts of the tool. The sand line cutter is attached to the cable to be cut at surface, when released from surface, the cutter drops to the top of the stuck tools using the cable as a guide.
The drop bar is then released in the same manner as the cutter. The drop bar follows the same path as the cutter landing on the striker pin driving the firing pin down, detonating the firing shell. The Sandline Cutter may also be fired with pressure, this is accomplished by installing and dropping the cutter in the same manner, but instead of dropping a drop bar, the wellbore is pressure up, at a predetermined pressure set by the amount of shear pins placed within the firing head, the shear pins will shear allowing the firing pin to contact the powder charged shell. The detonated powder charged shell, creates gas pressure in the chamber above the piston, driving the piston down, creating hydraulic pressure in the knife housing.
The hydraulic pressure forces the knife piston and the crimper piston out of the knife housing cutting the cable, wedging the cable between the crimping piston and the outer sleeve at the same time. The crimper piston is used only in conjunction with the cutting tool outer sleeve.
The crimper piston can be used in all sizes of tubing and casing except 2 3/8”. There is now a blank crimper piston available for use when cutting in 2 3/8” tubing. Designed to cut wire rope or steel cable with diameters of 3/16” to 9/16” OD. The Sandline Cutter has a curved slot the length of the knife housing and the upper neck of the striker pin. The cutter is held to the cable with an upper guide and outer sleeve attached to the knife housing. Standard fishing necks are incorporated on the drop bar and the cutter for fishing after retrieving the cut cable from 2 3/8” tubing should removal be required.
* We offer this tool for sale or as a long-term rental. More information available upon request *