Locking subsurface controls in Model “R” bottom no-go seating nipples.
The “Z” lock in conjunction with the subsurface control accessory sets in the model “R” bottom no-go seating nipples.The no-go for landing in the “R” bottom no-go nipples is located on the packing mandrel of the subsurface control screwed to the “Z” lock assembly.
The two locks are fitted and pinned in the body of the “Z” lock assembly facing up, to prevent upward movement of the lock assembly when locked into the seating nipple profile.
Ran with a “C-1” running tool and pulled with a “JUC” or “JDC” pulling tool and the model “B” probe to disengage the locks.
The “Z” lock assembly with subsurface control is ran in the same sequence as the “W” lock assembly.
The “Z” lock assembly with the attached accessory can be ran and set in the type “R” bottom no-go seating nipple only.