Setting in tubing strings without upsets, typically integral joint where couplings do not exist.
When setting the tapered slip carrier forces the slips tight to the inner tubing wall. Ran with a shear down pulling tool (SB/JDC). Pulled with a “JDC” or “JUC” pulling tool.
Used to set below profile nipples and restrictions where a conventional “A” type stop would be limited due to O.D.May also be used to secure plugging equipment in place.
Slip type tubing stops are latched into a jar down to the shear pulling tool and attached to the tool string. The stop is lowered down the tubing slowly until desired depth has been reached, the tool string is accelerated downward rapidly. The velocity forces the slips up the tapered slip mandrel setting them against the inner tubing wall.
Downward jarring sets the slips tight to the tubing wall and shears the pulling tool, setting the stop. Pulling the slip type stop is done by attaching a “JDC” or “JUC” pulling tool totool string and lowering to the stop depth latching the stop, once the stop is latched upward jarring unseats the stop for removal from the well.
Slip type tubing stops require velocity for setting making precise setting depths difficult to achieve.*Extensions may be fitted to BT B Stop Slip Carriers for use with Baker style blanking plugs.