Tool Catcher

Provides a method of capturing the toolstring in the event that the slickline / wireline is separated from the ropesocket / cablehead during wireline operations where the tools may come into forceful contact with the bottom of stuffing box or packoff / control head assembly. (ie: crowning out)
The tool catcher also comes with a integral velocity check valve, meaning the in the case that the wireline is parted and travels through the stuffing box / control head, the wellbore is contained through the use of a one way check valve.
Designed to be install directly beneath a stuffing box / control head in lubricator string. Hydraulically controlled so as to be manipulated remotely via a hand pump during wireline operations. Capable of capturing up to and including 1.75” fishnecks. Integral velocity check valve to prevent wellbore gases or fluids from escapingto the atmosphere in the event that the slickline / wireline is pulled free of the stuffing box / control head during wireline operations.
Install between lubricator and stuffing box / control head on lubricator string, ensure that all other fluid catcher, fluid injection, ect subs are installed above the tool catcher. Attach hydraulic line to fitting on tool catcher, attach other end to hand pump. (as with any remotely operated surface equipment, it is recommended that a function test be performed before actual wireline operations begin) Catcher will have to be actuated each time a new run is to be made as the catcher will capture the rope socket / cable head each time the toolstring tags.
• Care should be taken to inspect and replace any seals that may become damaged.• Catcher dogs should be inspected regularly for any corrosion damage or impact damage.• 5000 PSI working pressure• N.A.C.E Spec.
* Non-Stock Item. Please call for price and delivery
All products designed and Manufactured to conform to API 6A.